Monday, May 29, 2006 

Apparently I can crochet too.

After the recent success of the Budgie toy, I wanted to make another. An octopus seemed the only logical next step. I knew I could crochet potholders and just went from there. All crocheted out of Lamb's Pride bulky with no pattern. Freeform if you will. Turned out ok I think.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 

It's done!

Here's the Budgie toy completed!

I decided against the bleach streaks. I think it would take away from it's cuteness.

Now, do I keep it?
Do I give it away?

I think since this is my first fully finished toy, I may just keep it for myself.

Monday, May 22, 2006 

Life is good.

Things have been going really well as of late. My mother signed the car she gave me over to me, I got a hefty bonus check at work and I played hooky and got paid for it.

It seems that I started this blog to archive knitting projects and such and have yet to post about anything I've been working on.

Here's the toy Budgie about at about 1/3rd completed. Yarn: Lamb's Pride Bulky in Brown and White. Needles: Size 6. Doll eyes from fabric store. Polyfiber fill for stuffing. Pattern: Modified from Jess Hutch's Free Bunny Pattern.

I have since added ears, arms and legs. I'm thinking about applying small streaks of bleach across the brown to simulate Budgie's brindle markings. With the ears added, it really looks a lot like her.

In other news, Budgie has been doing really well. She's holding her pee/poop a lot longer and not wanting to go out every 15-30 minutes. She's even ok with not going outside immediately after being let out of her crate. She's still doing well with the cats, although I wish she wouldn't pounce on Motley EVERY time she sees him. Luckily he lets her know when "enough is enough" before it gets to a bad point.

Here's to having an awesome puppy.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 

There are some things you just don't forget

I remembered the chewing. Puppies chew.
I bought toys for that.

I remembered the frequent walks. Puppies pee.
I walk her often. No reason not to.

What I somehow forgot was something you'd think would stay fresh in your mind forever.

Dog Farts.

They're oily. They're sneaky. They're disturbing.

And they're all mine. Oh the bliss.

About me

  • I'm Lori
  • From Austin, TX
  • Age 25. Moody Libra. Mother to 2 cats & 1 pup. Happily Married. Knitting & Marlboro Addict. I live in Austin,TX. I love music. Tattooed. Nose Pierced. 1/2 German. Stoner. Creative. Bookworm. Opinionated. Rebellious.
My profile


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