Toothy issues.

This past week has really taken it outta me.
I haven't cleaned.
I haven't dared cooking.
Just work, pot, knit/embroider, sleep. Eating sometimes.
But then came Saturday. A perfectly relaxing Saturday with Mike and the dog. Took her for a walk. Got gelatto (Budgie really liked the Green Apple I chose) and had a beer. She was a little lady all day, very rare. She didn't jump on people, didn't chase anything. Perfect. I was very happy. Now if we could just get her to act this way at home. She's really good, don't get me wrong. She sits when told to, lets us know when she needs to potty, plays nicely with the kitties, amuses herself with toys and bimples, sleeps a lot, etc... She just gets so damned excited when people come over. After a few jumps and a few minutes of showing off she usually just accepts that they're there. She's still a puppy, I know. She WILL grow out of it, but only if we are consistent with her training. She's learning her "lifetime" behaviors right now. No biting, jumping or chasing. Wait at the curb and sit until it's time to go. No eating the cat food. No chewing on things other than treats, toys and chewies.
All good doggy behaviors.

Oh, and she's getting her big girl teeth. She has all of her incisors on the bottom and the two middle incisors on top. No big girl canines yet, but we can see her molars in the back cutting through. And you'll have to excuse the poor quality of photography in the toothy shot, as it is very hard to take a picture of a 4 1/2 month old puppy's underbite without the shot being out of focus. She's embarassed of her underbite I think.
I bought myself another cheesy cross stitch kit. My house is going to be so granny chic. Just you wait.