Remember that kid in your highschool that wore a helmet? You knew they needed it, but weren't quite sure why. That's how I felt about Budgie yesterday. I felt like she was one step away from going to special-pup class on the special-pup short bus.
Budgie's big day started at Bull Creek. Jeremey, Dalyce, Mike, myself, Budgie, Smudgie and Gilbert thought it was too pretty a day to just sit at home, so we went to the creek. Gilbert and Smudge knew where we were going and barked happily all the way there. Budgie slept. We got there and Gilbert and Smudgie were allowed to run around without a leash, being there before and all, but Budgie had to stay on hers. Hence, kid in helmet. She was THE ONLY dog there on a leash.

And here's why... (1.) she hasn't had all her shots yet, including rabies and we didn't want to risk a not-so-nice encounter with another dog (2.) she had never been there and doesn't quite know her name well enough to trust her coming when we call her and (3.) she's never had contact with other pups/big dogs and I didn't know what to expect. She still got soaked and played in the water and with the other puppies. Just at
mommy's pace. And under control.
Later that night we went to our friends' house for a BBQ. They recently adopted a blue heeler/austrailian shepherd mix.
Crickett is about the same size as Budgie and the
same age so we thought they should meet.

Budgie thought it was pretty cool to jump and bark at Crickett, but she didn't find it so amusing. I kept Budge on her leash until Crickett initiated the playtime and it went "swimmingly" from there. I loved seeing her play with another puppy and run full speed around their yard. It was great. Luckily my camera decided it didn't want to work, so no pics of that unfortunately. Maybe next time.