Oh to be 19 again.

* the last three days of work have been 12 hour days.
* the new girl at work, we'll call her baby mama drama, BMD for short, couldn't work today.
* yesterday BMD:
1. was late getting to work. her "bus broke down."
2. left for lunch before I did, which isn't the way it works. I get there at 7,
I go to lunch at 12. She is scheduled in at 8 and she was supposed to go to lunch at 1.
3. had to leave at 4 (supposed to work until 5)to "prepare for her case." Bitch please,
I worked Monday BY MYSELF. FOR 12 HOURS. If you leave at 4 today, that means I'll have to
be here until close. AGAIN. BMD said: "Oh, I hope my schedule isn't interferring with yours.
To which I responded: "Actually it is. I leave at 4. Your leaving early is forcing me to stay
and close. That's a 12 hour shift." To which BMD responds: "Oh, and I won't be here tomorrow
either. I have a child support hearing tomorrow." Great. That means...
Three 12 hour days in a row. I don't get a day off until Sunday. I will probably have to work 12 hour days the rest of this week. Dr. N (the awesome one) told me today that I need to sit down with BMD and figure our schedules out. I told her mine is already figured out, 7-4 Mon-Fri with occasional Saturdays resulting in a half day during the week of said Saturday to prevent overtime. She totally agreed with me and understands how taxing these past few days have been on me and told me that she, BMD, should be the one working around my schedule and that it's her new job, not mine, and she needs to work accordingly. I love Dr. N. She is an awesome woman. (She's married to a band teacher! Loves it.)
I found a dead bat in my back yard. I hope the neighbor cat didn't chew on it. They can carry rabies, you know.
I'm super stoned, super exhausted, over-worked and dead-dog tired. (excuse the pun)
*above, pictured: yours truly at 19 years of age. Providence, RI.